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發表於 2006-5-20 20:40:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
│天陀地地天天天三天│天左禄      │廉七擎      │右天封天红孤天  │
│相罗空劫马才寿台使│梁辅存      │贞杀羊      │弼钺诰空鸾辰贵  │
│得陷庙得平    │庙 庙      │平庙庙      │ 庙       │
│         │科        │         │         │
│官府       │博士       │力士       │青龙       │
│吊客 56-65  绝│病符 46-55  墓│岁建 36-45  死│晦气 26-35  病│
│岁驿 疾厄宫 己巳│息神 ★财帛 庚午│华盖 子女宫 辛未│劫煞 夫妻宫 壬申│
│巨文铃天寡    │命四化[己武贪天曲] 年龄88岁 命宫在戌│天八截      │
│门昌星月宿    │盘类:天盘 火六局 子斗在辰 身宫在戌│官座空      │
│陷得陷      │阳历:1919年04月12日12时生  命主禄存│         │
│         │农历:己未年03月12日午时生  身主天相│         │
│伏兵       │                   │小耗       │
│天德 66-75  胎│   天上火 大林木 砂中金 路旁土 │丧门 16-25  衰│
│攀鞍 ★迁移 戊辰│   正财  偏财  日主  七杀  │灾煞 兄弟宫 癸酉│
├─────────┤乾造:己未  戊辰  甲午  庚午  ├─────────┤
│紫贪火天凤蜚天  │   乙劫财 戊偏财 丁伤官 丁伤官 │天文解阴     │
│微狼星姚阁廉伤  │   己正财 乙劫财 己正财 己正财 │同曲神煞     │
│旺平平      │   丁伤官 癸正印         │平陷       │
│ 权       │大运[05月换运]:           │ 忌       │
│大耗       │ 丁卯 丙寅 乙丑 甲子 癸亥 壬戌 辛酉 │将军       │
│白虎 76-85  养│ 伤官 食神 劫财 比肩 正印 枭神 正官 │贯索 06-15 帝旺│
│将星 仆役宫 丁卯│ 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981  │天煞 身★命 甲戌│
│天太天天天恩   │天天破旬     │太天台      │武破天天龙    │
│机阴福巫喜光   │府虚碎空     │阳魁辅      │曲军刑哭池    │
│得旺       │庙        │陷旺       │平平       │
│         │         │         │禄        │
│病符       │喜神       │飞廉       │奏书       │
│龙德 86-95 长生│大耗     沐浴│小耗     冠带│官符     临官│
│亡神 ★官禄 丙寅│月煞 田宅宫 丁丑│咸池 福德宫 丙子│指背 父母宫 乙亥│

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 樓主| 發表於 2006-5-25 11:05:23 | 只看該作者
發表於 2006-5-25 17:11:12 | 只看該作者
發表於 2006-5-28 12:32:12 | 只看該作者
Biography: Astrologer and siderealist, born in Switzerland but of German nationality. He was one of the first European astrologers to work with computer programs, in 1964, having access to a large IBM computer. At age 45 he learned programming and wrote all of his own astrology programs, using the Topocentric system. He was the author of "Astrologers, Kings, Politicians and Others," in which he published his own 25 page autobiography.

Marr wrote six books and more than 150 articles, publishing his own works. For some 45 years his interest lay primarily in research, and he was known as "an astrologer's astrologer." He rectified birth times with great care and precision, publishing many such data. An extrovert, he stated his opinions frankly, particularly in regards to astrologers whose work remained in a "fictional" belief system.

In commenting on his own chart he remarked about psychological scars from his relationship with his father and early separation from his mother. He was fond of sports, particularly in shooting competitions and hunting, but his greatest interest was in science. Although anti-military in sentiment, Marr served in the Luftwaffe for 25 years, primarily in the Intelligence branch as a specialist in deciphering codes in the Russian language.

His secondary vocation was playing violin in symphony orchestras for 15 years in Germany and Ireland, and he served as a deputy in the Opera Orchestra of Trier for 20 years. Devoted to music and gifted with absolute pitch, he was concertmaster of the Dublin Chamber Orchestra for a number of years.

Marr successfully fought a number of serious illnesses in later life. He finally had a brain stroke on October 4, 1994. As a result, although still active, he gradually lost interest in what had mattered to him most in his life - his music and astrology. He died peacefully on February 9, 2000.
發表於 2006-5-28 12:33:31 | 只看該作者

生平::占星學家和siderealist, 在瑞士出生,德國籍.他是歐州占星學家之中,將電腦引進占星術的先導之一.於1964年,他接觸到IBM的大型電腦.於45歲時,他學習電腦程式寫作,並寫出基於Topocentric System的占星學程式.他是"Astrologers, Kings, Politicians and Others" 的作者,該書中有他本人長達25頁的自評.



 樓主| 發表於 2006-5-28 15:46:36 | 只看該作者

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