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【時事 】有風水專家倡在天水圍建文昌塔, 去改善天水圍的社會問題, 有用嗎?

發表於 2008-3-8 07:57:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Fung shui tower 'can lift town's fortune'
(SCMP) 03月 07日 星期五 00:03AM

A nine-storey fung shui tower in the shape of a writing brush and cleaning up a polluted waterway are the latest ideas for lifting the fortunes of troubled Tin Shui Wai

Legislators and top fung shui experts came up with the suggestions yesterday during a visit to the western New Territories town, which has become the focus of efforts to improve the lot of residents who are plagued by unemployment, poverty and family violence.

The Hong Kong Fengshui Master Association has proposed building a man cheong tower - a geomancy icon said to boost children's studies, employees' promotion prospects and competition in business - on a site in the town's northeast.

The association has proposed to build the nine-storey tower - 38 metres high - in the shape of a Chinese writing brush. They also suggested a pond in the shape of an ink stone be built near the tower, to complement its brush-like appearance. They said the site, in Tin Tsz Road near Ha Mei San Tsuen, could become a tourist attraction.

"We hope the tower not only can bring good fortune to the new town, but also that it will bring more economic development," said legislator Albert Chan Wai-yip, who visited the site yesterday with fellow lawmakers Lau Wong-fat, Cheung Hok-ming and association members.

"Many plots of land have been left idle for years in Tin Shui Wai, and we hope the government can encourage private developers to conduct hotel and tourism business here," Mr Chan said.

Association chairman Edwin Ma said the tower could help boost cultural development in the new town, and culture and livelihood were both important elements for the well-being of the district.

"Museums or theme parks could be built around the tower. Cultural activities can help generate other business activities, such as hotels and recreational activities, so that more jobs will be created in the new town to solve the unemployment problem there," he said.

"Also, culture can help polish individuals' personalities and make them become more cultured, reducing chances of domestic violence, as they would have better control of their emotions after being exposed to cultural activities."

Neither the lawmakers nor the association members discussed who would build the tower or how much it would cost. The association also called on the government to clean up a river along Tin Ying Road and maintain a high standard of water quality in it.

2008年 3月 8日 7時55分
戊子年 乙卯月 丁未日 甲辰時
時空亡:甲辰旬 寅卯空
節氣:驚蟄下元  陽遁4局
值符天任星落8宮  值使生門落8宮
┌─── ── ─┬─ ── ─┬─ ── ───┐
│╲   子蛇  │  丑朱  │  寅合   ╱│
│ ┌─ ── ─┼─ ── ─┼─ ── ─┐ │
│亥│  太陰  │  六合  │  白虎  │卯│
│貴│  杜門 戊│  景門 癸│己 死門 丙│勾│
│ │  天輔 戊│  天英 癸│禽 天芮 丙│ │
├─┼─ ── ─┼─ ── ─┼─ ── ─┼─┤
│ │  騰蛇  O│      │  玄武  │ │
│戌│  傷門 乙│      │  惊門 辛│辰│
│后│  天沖 乙│     己│  天柱 辛│青│
├─┼─ ── ─┼─ ── ─┼─ ── ─┼─┤
│ │  值符  O│  九天  │  九地  │ │
│酉│  生門 壬│  休門 丁│  開門 庚│巳│
│陰│  天任 壬│  天蓬 丁│  天心 庚│空│
│ └─ ── ─┼─ ── ─┼─ ── ─┘ │
│╱   申玄  │  未常  │  午虎   ╲│
└─── ── ─┴─ ── ─┴─ ── ───┘

邵問津, 劉克勤作品 奇門遁甲排盤程式 [td]吉格:
第1宮 三奇之靈 開,休,生+乙,丙,丁+太陰,六合,九天,九地
共臨其方位, 為吉道清靈, 用事俱吉
第3宮 三奇貴人升殿 乙+震宮
第3宮 奇遊祿位 乙+震宮
為本祿之位, 合三吉門, 宜上官赴任, 求財祈福等
天顯時格 丁,壬日甲辰時
宜行兵, 戰鬥, 上官, 求財, 遠行, 有罪者也能赦免
第1宮 三奇受刑 丙,丁+坎宮

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